Since 2014 in Shenzhen, French Touch Kitchen campaigns for culinary diversity and discovery, through homemade & natural food products. 在深圳,自2014年起,法元素的使命是通过自制纯天然无添加的产品,来发掘烹饪的多样性。
And because nothing's worst than monotony in a plate, we imaginated a lunch box full of shapes to discover and savor : the LUNCH CUBE was born ! 因为单调平淡是再也乏味不过了,于是我们开始想象一盒充满色彩搭配和风味的午餐立方盒诞生了 !
The Cube family is growing ! Discover our Salad offers. 我们的立方盒的款式越来越多!快来体验探索我们的沙拉摇摇乐立方盒吧!